Well Oli would like me to write about cooking with a different vegetable every day of the year... the ridiculousness of which has clearly not occurred to him. If anyone would like to compile a list of 365 vegetables, in seasonal order, the please do so and I will be happy to oblige!
Seeing as how the most important thing to any man is his stomach (as evidenced by the above request) I shall put a recipe on here today. Super simple baking that anyone can do. So yesterday I made a banana and chocolate loaf. It's bloody delicious! Ed and I are fighting not to eat the whole thing right now. The main benefit of making a loaf over a cake is that you get to spread butter on each slice if you want and you don't have to feel outrageous about it. This recipe is fanastic if you have any bananas that have been around a while and are going over to the dark side. Waste not want not!
So, ingredients:
Between 2 and 4 bananas, depending on how much you like banana
100g of chocolate of your favourite sort
130g of butter
170g caster sugar
340g self-raising flour
2 eggs
Tsp bicarb of soda
Tsp vanilla essence or flavouring
Turn fan oven on to 180 degrees, non fans probably need to be hotter, but who knows. Cream (AKA mix) the butter and sugar until you have a smooth fluffy yellowness, the mix in the eggs slowly (beat them beforehand for best results). Do not worry if this looks a bit gross and gooey. In a different bowl, mash the bananas then add the flour and bicarb (seived if you can be bothered). Add the floury banana to the buttery mess and shove in the vanilla. Mix well. Smash the chocolate up inside its wrapper with a rolling pin or handy mallet then chuck it all in the bowl. Mixey mixey. Butter up a load tin so the cake doesn't stick, pour the mixture in it and put it in the oven for about 45minutes. Stick a knife in the middle when you think it's ready, if it is then the knife will come out clean. Turn it out and leave to cool. Spread on butter. Eat in fit of ecstasy.
If this does not turn out great then I will eat my hat. I used 3 bananas because I like medium banana-ness btw.
Happy baking.
A x
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A baking blog, set up for the benefit of my great friend Oliver Clark. Here you will find easy recipes that you and I can muddle through together.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
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- Aisling
- My name is Aisling Creedon. I am currently trying not to enter any more supermarkets. I am also learning to bake and want you to learn with me.
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